Write the program to implement the system calls getpid() and getppid().
Program Algorithm:
Step 1 : Declare the variables pid , parent pid , child id and grand chil id.
Step 2 : Get the child id value using system call fork().
Step 3 : If child id value is less than zero then print as “error at fork() child”.
Step 4 : If child id !=0 then using getpid() system call get the process id.
Step 5 : Print “I am parent” and print the process id.
Step 6 : Get the grand child id value using system call fork().
Step 7 : If the grand child id value is less than zero then print as “error at fork() grand child”.
Step 8 : If the grand child id !=0 then using getpid system call get the process id.
Step 9 : Assign the value of pid to my pid.
Step 10 : Print “I am child” and print the value of my pid.
Step 11 : Get my parent pid value using system call getppid().
Step 12 : Print “My parent's process id” and its value.
Step 13 : Else print “I am the grand child”.
Step 14 : Get the grand child's process id using getpid() and print it as “my process id”.
Step 15 : Get the grand child's parent process id using getppid() and print it as “my parent‟s process id
System Calls Used:
1.getpid( ) Each process is identified by its id value. This function is used to get the id value of a particular process.
2.getppid( ) Used to get particular process parent's id value.
3.perror( ) Indicate the process error.
Program Code:
int main( )
int pid;
pid=fork( );
if(pid== -1)
perror(“fork failed”);
printf(“\nChild process is under execution”);
printf(“\nProcess id of the child process is %d”, getpid());
printf(“\nProcess id of the parent process is %d”, getppid());
printf(“\nParent process is under execution”);
printf(“\nProcess id of the parent process is %d”, getpid());
printf(“\nProcess id of the child process in parent is %d”, pid());
printf(“\nProcess id of the parent of parent is %d”, getppid());
this is rather circular since getpid and getppid are already implemented... this wouldn't be how to implement getpid on its own.